Sunday 29 July 2012

Cheryl out of action!

Posted by Cheryl at 18:29 0 comments
Excuse the cheap clipart graphic but I think this sort of sums up how I have felt the past 4 days. On Weds afternoon I started getting stomach cramps/back pain but I just thought it was the usual IBS giving me jip and I thought nothing of it but by Thursday morning I felt awful and realised that it must be more than IBS. After calls to the NHS, being sick and spending pretty much all day in the toilet (too much information, sorry) it was decided that I either have gastroenteritis or the norovirus-lovely stuff! So since Weds I haven't been out at all, my diet has consisted of a few bits of toast and biscuits as I have had no appetite, I have spent more time in the toilet than I have anywhere else. Without sounding dramatic, I truely have never been in so much pain before.
Unfortunately I had to cancel seeing friends, Michael and I had to cancel both our trip to Arundel and going for afternoon tea which I was gutted about :( but I am just still not strong enough. I feel very weak and tired from lack of sleep and the pain, whilst not so frequent, is still occuring. I know I shouldn't moan but I seriously need to get it all out and this is my blog so I can say what I wish!
Seriously though my Mum and Michael have been a true godsend for me-they have been up with me in the night, bought me flowers, made me food, comforted me and kept me going-I have the best family in the world I truely do. I have lost a week of my summer holidays but I am hoping next week that I can start to do more things again. Because we had to cancel so many of our trips, Michael and I are going out for a trip to the West End Theatre to see Blood Brothers and stay in a hotel in a few weeks-so thank you honey!

On the only positive note I have lost 4lbs! Not an ideal way to lose weight but hey.
Hopefully once I feel completely better I will be back blogging again-in the meantime I will fight off this virus, watch the Olympics and stay in my pyjamas.


Wednesday 25 July 2012

My life in pictures...

Posted by Cheryl at 20:18 0 comments
I wish I could do those posh 'Instagram' posts that every blogger does. Unfortunately I don't have an Iphone or anything remotely exciting like that so when taking pics out and about I have to rely on my very dismal Samsung Ch@t camera which is probably something like 2 megapixels! Pants! But I still take photos here and there and thought I would share some recent ones with you-I am the sort of person who takes pictures of myself quite often so please don't judge! I am a bit of a poser, I admit.

1. First summer dress apearance 2. Amazing hot fudge sundae pop tarts
3. Fudge cake, my favourite 4. Beautiful flowers from work
5. Can't wait to use our Tastecard 6. Snuggles in Bed
7. Trying the hair tied back look 8. Cheeky midweek Subway
9. My dream car 10. Cute love card <3 
11. Posing in the sunnies, has to be done 12. One of mine and Michael's favourites

I have admittedly not been out in 2 days now! I have been crap today, awful back pain and I am going back to the doctors on Friday. My lovely Mum and Michael have been taking good care of me though <3 Michael and I planned to go for a meal and see Dark Knight today but unfortunately we couldn't so we stayed in and watch films and ate popcorn, was lovely <3 I am hoping to be able to make it out tomorrow, I miss the outside world! On Saturday, Michael and I are going to Arundel -our new favourite place! Hopefully the weather will be cooler by then-I HATE THIS HEAT-GIVE ME 2 DEGREES ANY DAY!

Monday 23 July 2012

How to make waffles-by the waffle queen!

Posted by Cheryl at 19:35 1 comments
I love waffles! And I completely forgot that I have a waffle iron, kindly donated to me by Michael's mum. I also have a donut maker, toastie maker and cupcake maker but that is besides the point! It is so easy and quick to make waffles and I highly recommend purchasing one-they can be picked up for around £20 online and can be used for years and years! I love waffles as a sweet snack, breakfast or they can be made savory depending on what you put with it. I normally chose Nutella because, let's face it, it's the best. If I could smother everything in Nutella (easy now!) then I would!

All you need for a waffle mix are eggs, flour, milk, vegetable oil, salt, caster sugar, baking powder and anything else you want to add like strawberries. Sounds a lot but to be honest, most of this was left over in my cupboard already.

I followed this recipe I found online:
Using the correct amounts, I mixed the flour, caster sugar, baking powder and salt together and then added in 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of oil and 400ml of milk. It was as simple as that!

While I was mixing, I also let the waffle iron heat up and when it was ready, the light flashed and before pouring the mixture in, I smothered the waffle maker in some butter just so the mixture wouldn't stick.

 Once the mixture was in, I shut the lid and left it for a couple of minutes until the ready light flashed. The mixture had stuck very slightly but all in all it was a success-be careful not to burn yourself whilst lifting out the waffles (this is where I called Michael for help lol) as it's very hot at this point.

I then decorated the cute heart shaped waffles with some strawberries, smothered on some nutella and ate it all very quickly and felt sick. Simples! 


Sunday 22 July 2012

Life lately according to me!

Posted by Cheryl at 17:18 0 comments
Well the summer holidays have officially begun and I am loving it. Yesterday Michael and I had a 'date day' and we ventured out in the sun to Greenwich, a lovely place in South London-home to the (newly rebuilt) Cutty Sark and Maritime/Naval Museum. It is a busy area but not too touristy and has a beautiful park. I would definitely recommend Greenwich as a place to visit while in London. When Michael and I started dating, we used to go there a lot as Michael lived close by, so it carries lots of lovely memories :) We had a delicious lunch at a Mexican restaurant called 'Desperado's'. They haven't had the best reviews but we thought we would give it the benefit of the doubt and as we had 50% off with our tastecard we thought why not?! Michael had fajitias and I had steak and between us we saved £14! The food was actually delicious and the service very decent but best of all, my stomach was happy!

We then went on to the naval museum, cutty sark, Greenwich Market and got some yummy ice cream from an Italian deli-it was so good! We also visited this cute little vintage market and I got 2 bargains with a 'Groundhog Day' style clock for £2 (pictured below) and I also bought a gold rabbit necklace for £2. All in all, it was such a lovely day :)

 I seem to have gained a somewhat super strong shopping urge (well to be honest, it's nothing new) recently and have bought some other nice bits and pieces the past few days. I decided to get myself a few new pairs of shoes because I have a horribly painful ingrown toenail and I need comfy shoes! So I bought these two pairs from George at Asda for £13 and I think they're pretty cute!

Also, a used some of my John Lewis vouchers today on a Cath Kidston purse (£6), some East of India ribbon (£3.75) and a lovely heart memories box (£12) which I am going to use to fill with all our photos and mementos from our relationship-I am a super cheesy romantic but I think it's rather a nice idea don't you?

Tonight I am getting the waffle maker out and making some waffles with nutella-wish me luck! xoxo

Friday 20 July 2012

School's out!

Posted by Cheryl at 18:39 0 comments
Yipeeeeee! I didn't think I would but I made it to the school holidays! 6 whole weeks of lovely lie ins and trips away and lots of relaxation! Yay!

 It has been a really manic week for me at work, Wednesday was my last day in Nursery which was lovely and then yesterday was the staff leaving party at school! I got some beautiful presents including a bouquet of flowers (I took a pic, see below!), a lovely cat print scarf and silver bracelet from Oliver Bonas which the staff bought me. Today was the last day at my job-I felt sad because I will miss the children but I feel happy and relieved to be moving on to hopefully a happier environment for me. It hasn't been the easiest of years but I feel like I have done the best I can in my role and that is all you can really do isn't it?

I also got a lovely big card that my class made me and wrote lots of messages inside which brought lots of tears to my eyes! As well as some lovely other things including some John Lewis vouchers from the parents which I am excited to spend! Whilst it was lovely to get these things, it was really heartwarming to know that the kids enjoyed having me in my class and I really will miss them-I know it's not all about the gifts! (although that is a nice perk!)

However saying that I have already had a little peek at the John Lewis website and seen loads of things I want to get! I am a big fan of Cath Kidston but her stuff is a bit too steep for me normally. However John Lewis sell a big rage of her stuff-I especially this super cute messenger lunch bag and shoe tidy for my wardrobe.

 John Lewis also stock a designer I lurveeeee called East of India-they make beautiful boxes, signs and generally very pretty things which are covered in life quotes.

 I am going to keep looking before I commit to using my vouchers! I am going to relax tonight with a takeaway and film with my Mum as Michael is at his end of year school meet up. Tomorrow Michael and I are heading to Greenwich (many an early date was spent there!) and hopefully use our tastecard for the first time! It arrived yesterday and I can't wait to use it.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and here is to a lovely summer ahead! 

Monday 16 July 2012

Cheryl's summer adventures!

Posted by Cheryl at 18:16 1 comments

Well I can hardly call it summer can I? What is this appalling weather? I don't ever remember a July being this wet but at least I have no work for 6 weeks so I can hardly complain. I only have 4 days left at work, hasn't that gone quickly? I plan to do a lot of resting, writing my book, finishing my course (only 2 questions to go!), de-cluttering and Ebay listing and staying up very late. When I'm at work I normally got to bed at 11pm so it will nice to go back to the night owl I used to be and stay up until 2 or 3am! Me and Michael also have lots of nice adventures/trips planned and I am so excited :) Whenever I feel down I shall look at this post and see what fun things are ahead! Some of the things we are doing are...

Visiting Arundel for Jousting Week, End of July

Afternoon tea-Michael and I have a voucher we need to use! It only cost us £12 for 2 from so we got a great deal!
  Bowling-Michael and I love bowling but we haven't been for so long, we got a great deal on Groupon for bowling and food included!

Visiting some of our old haunts-Michael and I are going to visit the lovely Greenwich where we used to go on dates all those years ago. Hopefully we will get a chance to go to the market and the park, I have such happy memories :)

 Make the most of Orange Wednesdays! In my student days I pretty much went to the cinema every week. I can't wait to see Dark Knight Rises especially.
 Use our Tastecard-Michael and I have got a free months trial with the Tastecard which gives you up to 50% off restaurants over the UK. We are going to sample some different places, especially Indian restaurants-our fav!

Rome and Florence-end of August
Duxford Air Show-Beginning of September. As an anniversary gift for Michael I got him (and me, obv.) some tickets to see the Duxford Air Show, I can't wait!

I really can't wait, I will no doubt blog about our trips and take lots of photos! Watch this space! xoxo

Saturday 14 July 2012

Payday purchases!

Posted by Cheryl at 18:35 1 comments
Yesterday was pay day for me, hurray finally! I also had some really nice leaving drinks at work-I was expecting no one to come so when almost everyone turned up I was pleasantly surprised. It shows that you sometimes just need to have a little faith! Next week is my last week at work and it is going to be mega busy what with sports day, my last day in nursery, leaving party at work etc. I am looking forward to it but I feel so run down (as does Michael) and we really can't wait for 6 weeks of relaxing and having some fun. 

 This weekend I have done some shopping with a little of my pay (after paying the rent, putting £150 into my savings, paying council tax, TV licence, bills etc!). I make enough to get myself a few treats each month. In the days leading up to being paid I always bookmark things to buy and often I will get a lot of things from Ebay because you can get some amazing bargains as long as you are careful with who you buy from. I want to get this beautiful clock necklace I found on Ebay, it is about £6 and I love the vintage style-plus I love clocks! It's quite cute isn't it?

Today I went shopping in Kingston and bought this lovely pink dress from New Look. I was looking for something to wear on holiday for our anniversary and I thought this is simple but cute plus I don't normally wear pink so it's nice to be a little different. It was £14 from £28. Their sale is really good right now, there are so many things I liked I had to restrict myself to one thing!

To continue my obsession with clocks, I also got rather over-excited when I found this new range of stationery in Wilkinsons (such a good shop!)-clocks everywhere! I got a notebook to use for story ideas (time travel theme!) as well as a pen and folder my bought for me. I also got some cute pink headphones for my Ipod and some FUDGE SUNDAE poptarts. I adore poptarts but get bored with the plain flavours that supermarkets sell. I found a little newsagent selling unusual flavours like these, they are American imports but for £3.79 for 8 I think they're great value.

I also bought myself some DVDs online including Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre so I can have a bit of a Bronte film fest over the summer. Also I bought a film I have been meaning to get for a while called 'The Help', I have heard it's great so I can't wait to watch it.

I also got a nice package this morning with some gifts from Vietnam bought by my Dad. I look forward to using the bag this summer...a girl can never have too many!

I will no doubt buy a few more things over the coming weeks but I really need to start putting some aside for holiday spending money! I am off to have a nice bath, eat dinner and watch a film...I love Saturday nights! Take care all xoxo

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Cheryl....tries to lose weight!

Posted by Cheryl at 17:13 0 comments
Unfortunately today has been a sick day for me, have had a horrible bout of stomach pains last night/today and it is only really just going. The stomach cramps have been worse than normal so I am starting to look at what I eat. I have also *sob sob* put on a few pounds in the past few weeks. My weight has always fluctuated and I have never been particularly 'slim. At my lowest, last year I was at around 9 1/2 stone which for my 5 foot 4 height, gave me a BMI of 22.5 which sits nicely in the healthy zone. Now, in July 2012 I am hovvering around 10 stone which is still a lot lower than my heaviest weight a couple of years ago when I was about 10 stone 10. This started to tip over into the overweight range although currently I am still healthy so I am not overly worried. However you know when you just feel bigger? I feel like my stomach is not in great shape as well as my legs. 

I don't do much in the way of exercise but I plan to walk to and from work in September. It is only a mile away but that equates to 2 miles a day and 10 miles a week which is still some decent exercise. I also plan to keep a food diary, perhaps even on my blog here and take a few snaps so I can actually see what I am eating. Mine and Michael's once a week curry probably is a big factor in my slight weight gain plus my love of cake. I don't eat particularly large amounts but I do snack as I always feel hungry! Michael cooks for us almost every evening and it's almost always fresh and from scratch so I know I am eating healthy in the evenings.

 This is during my 'slimmer' moments, December 2011. I don't know if I would be brave enough to wear such a tight dress now! I was happy with how I looked then.

This is during my 'bigger' moments,July 2009. I hate this photo but I wanted to post it as I can see the way I don't want to look-chubby arms etc. I didn't really notice until I saw my holiday photos that I had put on some weight. Funnily enough this was during the time when I would go to the gym at uni 3 times a week.

So I am not going to go overboard with my weightloss but I am definitely going to keep track over the summer what I eat, drink more water, eat more fruit and veg and try and cut down on snacks. Working in a school, you get every cake possible in the staffroom and I can never resist. Wish me luck! xoxo

Sunday 8 July 2012

'Everyday is like Sunday....'

Posted by Cheryl at 16:41 0 comments
Well as I write this, the rain looks as if it's about to fall after quite a nice sunny Sunday. This 'rain one moment and sun the next' weather is just driving me crazy. Yes, I am grateful we are not having a heat wave right now (I love the cold Winter days and I am not the nicest person when I am very hot) but every day I find myself waking up with the impending decision, such a life changing one...what do I wear? I'll wear a summer dress and sandals and it will rain. I will wear my coat and rain mac and it will be boiling. Make your mind up British weather! Today I have decided to get productive and stop using my weekends as an excuse to be extra lazy. It is a good opportunity to get things done which I am too tired to do during the week. My plan for today was:

1. Get lots of my last assignment done
2. List all my unwanted items on Ebay
3. Wrap presents/write cards for my class
4. Write some more of my book
5. Do all of this whilst lying in bed, eating M&M's, drinking diet coke and listening to relaxing music

All in all my plan is going pretty well so far. In between being quite busy this week I have also done some shopping, discovered some new amazing websites, watched a lots of TV and a few films and generally had to put up with the rubbish tennis and forumula one on TV. I guess that comes with having a boyfriend who has to watch almost every kind of sport on television ;)

So on another random flex, I thought my Sunday blogs could become my 'What I am loving this week' type posts...I don't know if anyone is particularly interested but still. 

Fashion Love

Right now I love backpacks. It has pretty much saved my shoulder this past week and one backpack just isn't enough for me. I am looking to buy another one because I just think they are fab for work, holidays, going on trips and I like having my hands free to carry lots of shopping bags. I love ASOS backpacks especially this adorable owl one! 
Beauty  Love

I have bought myself some lovely new makeup recently including trying out some lipstick for the first time from Revlon. It is very subtle but I am wearing on the picture of me above. The shade is 'Icy Violet'. I got a deal from Wowcher who sent me some free credit and I got a mascara and two lipsticks for free! Great deals to be had there ;) I also used a voucher Michael gave me for Boots. Right now if you spend over a fiver you get a £5 off No7 range voucher and I used it to get a nail polish, just £2!

TV Love 

Right now I am obsessed with the TV show 'Four Weddings' and pretty much every wedding show going right now. I love the bitchiness between the contestants and I have found the first 3 series on TV Choice on Virgin Media so that will keep me busy for a few weeks! Other than that the TV has been dominated by sport, I have gone off Big Brother and I am mostly watching 24 Season 5. I have seen it at least 4 times but I could watch it over and over.

Book Love

I have no book love right now. I am going to order a book called 'In her Shadow' by Louise Douglas as my summer holidays read. However I am NOT repeat NOT going to read Fifty Shades of Grey. Sorry to fans of it but it looks like a pile of shite and yes I am judging before I read it!

Film Love

 I haven't been to the cinema in ages but I going to see Dark Knight Rises as soon as it comes out in the cinema! I watched The Vow the other day as I bought it on DVD, purely for my love of Channing Tatum mixed with mega cheesy romance. 

Internet Love

I have so much love for Pin Interest right now. Join in, you won't regret it. It's such a simple concept but so much fun. I also have found a new website called 'Pix o mania' which turns your photos into an Instagram/vintage style and all for free. I have been doing it to every photo I own haha.

Home Love

My home life is very happy right now. I hate to repetitive as well as sickly but I am very much loved up and so very happy with my man. I have been busy filling my summer diary with visits to see friends, trips with Michael and nice days out with my mum. I will also use the summer to try and relax as I am still anxious about starting a new job. I am also going to seriously de-clutter my stuff as it's a great feeling to be free of junk!

Off to have a lovely bath, eat some cookies and then settle down for the evening. Back to work for 2 weeks-I have my leaving drinks next Friday so it will really hit home then. Have a fab Sunday everyone. xoxo

Friday 6 July 2012

'Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life'

Posted by Cheryl at 18:41 0 comments
What a lovely quote, I find such strength in reading quotes and finding lovely quote pictures when I am feeling a bit low. This week I'd say has been 80% happiness and 20% sadness which is pretty good going. Even the sadness bit was quick and after a chat and a cuddle, I felt a lot better. Is it funny how when you are feeling down, all you really need to hear is someone say that everything is okay. It's alright to feel like that sure, but I will not let it be a big part of my life. I am happy for it to stay in the background. In terms of events in my life this week it has been pretty standard although yesterday I did go for a lovely visit to my new school, met the staff, saw my classroom, met my teacher, had a was all quite overwhealming but at the same time, put me at ease for September! My anxiety breeds with change so the two aren't great together. So to at least have seen a glimpse of what is to come and has made me feel much more relaxed. I am excited to work with an age group I have never been with before, Year 1, which is 5-6 year olds.

I feel very priviledged to have the job that I do. Working as a teaching assistant, you can see children change and grow on a daily basis, it is incredibly rewarding to know that at least you have played a small part in that. I have thought over in my mind about whether I may want to go back to teacher training in the future. I have been working as  TA for more than 18 months now and I have to say, it is one of the best jobs in the world. If you can deal with the £13,000 a year salary (I am lucky I live at home with my Mum and Michael) then it is such a great career. Plus the holidays and be able to leave before 4pm are massive bonuses!

As some of you may know, in 2010 I began a PGCE but decided to leave after about 8 weeks. It was a massive decision for me but I don't regret it for one second because at the time (and still now, probably) I was not ready to make the commitment to be a teacher. To be honest, I should have really thought it through a lot more before embarking on the process but we learn from our mistakes and in the end I am stronger for it. However that doesn't mean I wouldn't rule out being a teacher in the future-perhaps in 4 or 5 years time when I have grown stronger emotionally and finacially...then I could do it. I could do it now most probably but I am so happy being a teaching assistant, what is the point? For a higher wage? I manage pretty well on my wage due to my extreme frugleness and deal-hunting ways.  So for now I will keep doing what I am doing. 

Who knows what will happen in years to come? I may find myself choosing motherhood as a career as that is what I want the most. Or my book (which is slow in progress....writers block!) may be a massive hit and I can live off that. We can all dream. All I know is that I am pretty damn lucky. I have a fantastic job, a great support system, a very loving relationship....what is not to be happy about? I find myself fearing the unknown, fearing what will happen in the future but why can't I just concentrate on the here and now? Someone wise once said, "Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live." That is a real quote to live by!


Tuesday 3 July 2012

How to buy presents for a man!

Posted by Cheryl at 18:09 0 comments
Even after all these years I still have a major problem buying gifts for Michael-I mostly always get it right and am successful but sometimes my gifts are a complete flop! I mean, what do men really like? Do they even want presents? Often Michael will say he doesn't want anything but then I always feel like I want to give him something. With our anniversary coming up quite soon, I have my planning hat on (which is pretty much permanently attached to my head) to try and find something for him that is as 'original' as possible. When we first started dating it was actually pretty easy...a video game perhaps or a book I thought he would like. However I truely feel like I am having to broaden my horizons and think outside the box a little now! So here are some ideas, some based on previous gifts, on what to buy presents to buy for a man...

1. Experience Day
I am starting to find this a *little* dry and boring now as I have bought Michael quite a few and it seems that at the moment it's all afternoon tea or spa days. Over the years I have bought Michael a trip around Arsenal's stadium, afternoon tea, go karting...but most successful was an Indian cookery day which he loved. I guess you need to find something strongly linked to an interest. I only get an experience day if I find them cheaply and can combine it with a discount code. Red Letter Days is fab, they often have discount codes for up to 20% and I have always found their services good. Also, Lastminute is hit and miss but I have bought a few good deals on there-just keep a close eye on their website and promotions. You can get something amazingly original for your man, like a Spy day or Zookeeper for a day...they are usually £50+ though so not great for the bank account.

2. Hamper
I have made Michael hampers in the past and they have gone well-one was filled with his favourite foods and one just with things he love. It could be based on a theme like football or a sport or if he loves a certain cuisine it could be filled with spices, sauces, etc if likes to cook. It is normally a maximum cost of £30 with a little bit of preparation and lots of thought :)

3. Memory Books
This is, realistically, more of a girlie gift but a man may appreciate it a memory book filled with pictures, souveniors from your travels/trips or from throughout your relationship-and in the back you could make your own little book of personal vouchers like "I promise to make you tea and breakfast in bed" and *ahem* various other promises...

4. Theatre/Event Tickets
Football tickets or tickets to see a west end show/comedy stand up...these make a good gift because normally you would go together and make a great night of it. Obviously you have to factor in the cost for yourself but I normally use for theatre tickets as they often run "Show and Meal" deals which often cost cheaper than 1 ticket itself-they are not always available on key dates like Valentines or Christmas but if you are willing to go a week before/after they can be really good value!

5. Trip away
This is the expensive one-although if planned VERY carefully, it can be done on a tight budget. I have bought trips away for Michael in the past, including to Longleat Safari Park but this did involve me booking about 4 months in advance, including the train tickets and risking that Michael could actually go! Also I got the hotel (Travelodge) very cheap-£19 per night and this is done by booking at least 2-3 months in advance and also you have to willing to get a non-refundable deal. However trips away could just be to a town near you in a hotel for the night-I often browse Groupon, KGB Deals and Wowcher-they have tons of hotel deals which are mostly pretty decent.
6. The 'perfect' evening
This is one of the cheapest things you can 'buy' or create for your man-you can cook them a 'Come Dine with Me' style 3 course dinner, fill the bedroom with lots of lovely candles, play their favourite music and maybe fill some little baskets with their favourite sweets or if you are inclined, some baked goodies. Also, if you are brave enough...wear something sexy! 

Also there are the usual DVDS, books, clothes etc and these can also make great gifts but it nice to be creative sometimes. Now, I just have to actually think of a gift for our anniversary-any ideas? xoxo

Sunday 1 July 2012

My weekend purchases!

Posted by Cheryl at 19:44 2 comments
So this weekend has been a bit up and down for me. Yesterday Michael and I had a lovely time down in Sussex at a daytime party with his family and we both headed home in the early evening. We were shattered when we got home and opted for our favourite treat-a curry! However we decided to order from a new restaurant just to see what was out there....big mistake! I have since felt really unwell after my curry, my IBS has been horrible and 24 hours later, my stomach still hurts! Plus, Michael found a wad of hair in his all in all, not a very pleasant experience...!

But in good news, I have made some lovely purchases this weekend! My bank balance is slowing dipping but I felt like these were necessary purchases ;)  I have been looking for the perfect brown/tan coloured sandals and whilst I do not highly rate Primark shoes (they usually last a maximum for 3-4 months for me and as soon as it rains they break apart but I guess you get what you pay for!). I found these pretty brown sandals tucked behind the sale rail, they were marked up for £7 which I thought were a bargain but the lady at the till rang them up as £4...even better!!! I will mostly probably wear these in Italy as no doubt we will do lots of walking :)

Also, another neccessary purchase for me was a small backpack for every day use. I have been searching on Ebay for the perfect one but I always found them a little too expensive and garishly printed so I found this one in Primark, again tan coloured, for only £9. It is small and only just about big enough for my work stuff but it does the job, as years and years of shoulder bags have literally given me permanent shoulder pain! This will also be fab for holidays and little summer trips :)

Also, I bought a few days ago, this super cute travel journal-I want to use it for all of mine and Michael's future adventures and it only cost me £4 from It isn't particularly 'cool' and it quite childlike but I love the little sections for photos and in the back are pouches for souvenirs like tickets etc. Lovely stuff :)

Lastly, were my new sunglasses-actual prescription ones that I can see through. Hurray! These are for the sunny days where I just can't wear my normal glasses. I got them from Specsavers-originally they were £69 but with student discount they were only £50! Quite a lot for sunnies you may think but these will last a while. The only thing I don't like is the slight purple tinge you get from the outside of the sunglasses-not great but something which won't really bother me.

I am off now to watch the football (thank god it's the final, does it ever stop?) and Michael is making us some yummy pasta. Really hope I feel better soon. xoxo

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