Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Cheryl....and her quest to find happiness

Posted by Cheryl at 18:09
I know, I know, happiness doesn't really exist. Nobody is truely happy, blah blah blah. That doesn't stop me always wishing and wanting to find that place where I am content and I don't give a damn, where I am just living life for me and making the most of every moment. You see the thing is, I don't believe in afterlife or least I think I don't. So if there is only one life, I am already close to a third of the way through it and I have probably spent half of that third fighting against fears which cripple me and not be able to let go of pain and bitterness which holds me back. I try, I really do, to let this go and whilst it is a long road, at least I somewhat feel as if I am on the right one. I do not want to waste any more time on the wrong people-who cares, who really cares? We will all end up the same way and after it all, I do not want to look back when I am 80 and think I wasted so many years when I should have been focusing on what and who I love. I spend a lot of time reading articles about 'how to find happiness' but truely I feel that the only person who can make changes is you. I would like to take this opportunity to say a little fuck you to anxiety and depression and give out a little to you all about how I believe you can find some sort of happiness (or something like it.)

 Find something you love and keep doing it, no matter what anyone else thinks

And I don't think that needs to be the traditional idea of a hobby-who cares if you love following celebrities, sewing, baking, making clothes...if you makes you happy, don't stop.

 Don't waste a second on anyone who doesn't give you their time

 Enjoy every moment with the people you love and who love you back-life is too short to waste on those who break promises and let you down.

 Accept that you are not perfect and you never will be

Perfection doesn't exist and think the sooner that is accepted, the sooner you can just live life being you. You need to find something that you DO love about yourself and embrace that-even the most beautiful skinny person in the world has insecurities-everybody does despite pretences. 

Don't waste your energy on hate and regrets

What's done is done, I believe regrets are pointless as we can't change the decisions we made in the past and worrying about them achieves nothing but pain. If you make a mistake in life, move on, try to make it better but don't let it hold you back.

Never take your family and friends for granted

They won't be here forever-spend every moment you can with them, don't make excuses, treasure every moment spent and create memories that you can carry with you. Family and friends are about ups and downs but the ups can make us feel like we're on top of the world-I know they do for me.

You'll never get this moment again so make it count, make memories, don't live in the past, do the things that make you scared, eat the things that are bad for you, laugh until it hurts, be with the right people, forget about the wrong people, let go of the pain you feel inside, find someone who makes you feel beautiful, don't change for anyone, make mistakes and move on, do what you love, don't be fake, keep moving on...xoxo

Images courtesy of weheart.com <3


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