Saturday, 20 October 2012

Life works out best for those who make the best out of the way life works out...

Posted by Cheryl at 18:17
Source: Pinterest

I haven't had much inspiration to blog recently but I thought I'd share how I have been feeling of late. Thankfully it's HAPPY! Or very close to it. I feel like I am really getting a hold of my anxiety which I am proud of. I have been taking some advice from a really good friend and have been keeping my mind as occupied as possible because of course, my anxiety breeds when I don't have much to think about. I definitely have A LOT to think abour right now! I am always doing something and that is the way I like it-so if I'm not blogging, I am reading forums, I am researching, I am writing, I am reading my Kindle, I am wedding planning! Maybe it's because now I am getting older I have a lot more "adult" things to think about and I have found myself enjoying just relaxing and watching the world go by (when I am not working that is).

 I always find that making plans help me and where money allows, I like to do as much as possible whether it's seeing new places or just going for walks, trips to the park etc. I am lucky to live in such an amazing city and I can honestly say I probably have only seen about 50% of what London has to offer! So I hope to do as much as I can when time allows.

I also really love this time of year and the lead up to Christmas is keeping me happy. I love shopping for gifts, writing lists etc. Christmas up until I lost my Nan was always such a wonderful time filled with so many happy memories. I loved it as a kid and I can't wait until I can spoil my own little one with gifts! 
I am also building much more confidence in my role as a teaching assistant. I make mistakes like anyone and my anxiety and depression often hit in the morning before I get up and go but I force myself to keep moving forward. I will never let it win, I am too strong for that. I feel like I am good at my job and I love working with such wonderful children, helping them progress at such an important age. During the dark days I remind myself of all the wonderful things I have to look forward to. The next few years will be life changing for me and I am so excited.

I have always made the mistake in the past of thinking that being 'happy' was a place you had to be in but now I understand that happiness is a journey that you will always be on. There is no destination for it and as long as I keep moving forward then I am doing the right thing. I am slowly shedding away all that makes me unhappy. Sometimes that is the hardest thing do do but it has to be done. 
These ramblings probably only make sense to me but it helps to put them down. I will resume to more wedding-ish blogs soon but to be honest I don't want this just to be a wedding blog, it is a little of everything!

I am off to have a lovely bubble bath and then X Factor pretty much takes over my evening. I love Jade Ellis and James Arthur, the talent is good this year but the cliches of the show are ever so clear. STILL, I watch and get sucked in.
Have a lovely evening.


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