Sunday, 8 July 2012

'Everyday is like Sunday....'

Posted by Cheryl at 16:41
Well as I write this, the rain looks as if it's about to fall after quite a nice sunny Sunday. This 'rain one moment and sun the next' weather is just driving me crazy. Yes, I am grateful we are not having a heat wave right now (I love the cold Winter days and I am not the nicest person when I am very hot) but every day I find myself waking up with the impending decision, such a life changing one...what do I wear? I'll wear a summer dress and sandals and it will rain. I will wear my coat and rain mac and it will be boiling. Make your mind up British weather! Today I have decided to get productive and stop using my weekends as an excuse to be extra lazy. It is a good opportunity to get things done which I am too tired to do during the week. My plan for today was:

1. Get lots of my last assignment done
2. List all my unwanted items on Ebay
3. Wrap presents/write cards for my class
4. Write some more of my book
5. Do all of this whilst lying in bed, eating M&M's, drinking diet coke and listening to relaxing music

All in all my plan is going pretty well so far. In between being quite busy this week I have also done some shopping, discovered some new amazing websites, watched a lots of TV and a few films and generally had to put up with the rubbish tennis and forumula one on TV. I guess that comes with having a boyfriend who has to watch almost every kind of sport on television ;)

So on another random flex, I thought my Sunday blogs could become my 'What I am loving this week' type posts...I don't know if anyone is particularly interested but still. 

Fashion Love

Right now I love backpacks. It has pretty much saved my shoulder this past week and one backpack just isn't enough for me. I am looking to buy another one because I just think they are fab for work, holidays, going on trips and I like having my hands free to carry lots of shopping bags. I love ASOS backpacks especially this adorable owl one! 
Beauty  Love

I have bought myself some lovely new makeup recently including trying out some lipstick for the first time from Revlon. It is very subtle but I am wearing on the picture of me above. The shade is 'Icy Violet'. I got a deal from Wowcher who sent me some free credit and I got a mascara and two lipsticks for free! Great deals to be had there ;) I also used a voucher Michael gave me for Boots. Right now if you spend over a fiver you get a £5 off No7 range voucher and I used it to get a nail polish, just £2!

TV Love 

Right now I am obsessed with the TV show 'Four Weddings' and pretty much every wedding show going right now. I love the bitchiness between the contestants and I have found the first 3 series on TV Choice on Virgin Media so that will keep me busy for a few weeks! Other than that the TV has been dominated by sport, I have gone off Big Brother and I am mostly watching 24 Season 5. I have seen it at least 4 times but I could watch it over and over.

Book Love

I have no book love right now. I am going to order a book called 'In her Shadow' by Louise Douglas as my summer holidays read. However I am NOT repeat NOT going to read Fifty Shades of Grey. Sorry to fans of it but it looks like a pile of shite and yes I am judging before I read it!

Film Love

 I haven't been to the cinema in ages but I going to see Dark Knight Rises as soon as it comes out in the cinema! I watched The Vow the other day as I bought it on DVD, purely for my love of Channing Tatum mixed with mega cheesy romance. 

Internet Love

I have so much love for Pin Interest right now. Join in, you won't regret it. It's such a simple concept but so much fun. I also have found a new website called 'Pix o mania' which turns your photos into an Instagram/vintage style and all for free. I have been doing it to every photo I own haha.

Home Love

My home life is very happy right now. I hate to repetitive as well as sickly but I am very much loved up and so very happy with my man. I have been busy filling my summer diary with visits to see friends, trips with Michael and nice days out with my mum. I will also use the summer to try and relax as I am still anxious about starting a new job. I am also going to seriously de-clutter my stuff as it's a great feeling to be free of junk!

Off to have a lovely bath, eat some cookies and then settle down for the evening. Back to work for 2 weeks-I have my leaving drinks next Friday so it will really hit home then. Have a fab Sunday everyone. xoxo


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