Tuesday 14 January 2014

Capturing Matilda

Posted by Cheryl at 17:37
I spend a lot of my time recording little videos of Matilda as well as taking a ridiculous amounts of photos. Armed with a good camera, I am learning the techniques to get Tilly to smile (although it doesn't take much) and how to use the best lighting for photos and what to use as backdrops etc. It's turned into a little bit of a hobby to do photo-shoots with her for each month of her life and during special occasions like Christmas. 

1 month old
I also captured her first ever smile during these photos. Something I will always treasure.

2 months old
My photography skills had improved a little by this stage and I managed to capture some beautiful photos of Tilly, all in the comfort of her own moses basket! At this stage it was difficult to get her to sit up and stay still, although strangely she managed it at 1 month!

3 months old
These are my absolute favourite photos of Tilly so far, this one I have blown up and framed in our living room. I used her little letter names for a bit of a prop-the lighting was also fantastic that day so they barely needed editing!

4 months old
Whilst she wasn't actually 4 months for these photos (she was 16 weeks) I took them a little early because that day she just looked extra beautiful in her pretty smock dress and I grabbed the camera and started shooting! This is my favourite, her face is like a little dolly and she looks so cute! I will be doing her proper '4 month' pictures this week, I am excited! But choosing what she will wear may take a while!

When you have a baby, I think it's so important to capture as many memories as possible but also to enjoy those moments. It's hard sometimes when you think, "wow that would make a great picture!" and it just takes away from the moment. So I try and put my camera away sometimes because not ever moment HAS to be captured on film, it's there in your head and heart. I will say though I am so so happy I have these photos, videos, my blog, my baby book, memory box...all these things I am "logging" because I know they will be wonderful to look back on in the future.

Here is one of my favourite Tilly videos this week, I don't tend to upload many on Facebook because otherwise I would be spamming people ridiculously on a daily basis. However, I just love this one xxx


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