Friday, 26 October 2012

My Dream Wedding

Posted by Cheryl at 18:53
My dream wedding...

Would be here...
Arriving in this car... 
Wearing this dress....

Wearing these shoes... 

With these rings...
Carrying these flowers...

Eating this food...

With this type of hairstyle...

With this cake...

With this type of decoration...

Going on this honeymoon...
All with this wonderful man...


aimee said...

that is so cute :) love the hairstyle and flowers :)

Cheryl said...

The hair is so pretty isn't it! :)

Hildred Congdon said...

A wedding can be perfect if you planned it really well. It takes time and effort, that's why most couples give a year of allowance - so they could have plenty of time to make that dream wedding a reality. Creating a big picture in your head is the very first step in planning. Then comes creating a list of 'wants' and 'needs' and so on. Just keep in mind that you don't have to be a superwoman to make your wedding perfect. You can ask help from experts or your friends. Girlfriends never run out of ideas. And most importantly, don't over-think. Just be in the moment and enjoy the preparation. Good luck!

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