Monday 12 March 2012

Writing my book!

Posted by Cheryl at 19:32
I am afraid I am so tired I couldn't think of a very original title for my blog today, I'm sorry! I have been busy since I got home from work, setting up a great program on my computer that Michael bought me called "Write Your Own Novel", I highly recommend it to anyone writing a book :) It is useful for me because it means I can organise my crazy thoughts and ideas! I have been wanting to write this book for years and I have been writing bits here and there but never really got anything solid down. Once I have finished my TA Course, I will enrol myself onto the "Writing for Children" course at the London School of Journalism as it looks like it will really guide me on my way.

I have always loved writing stories; I wrote a book (chick lit, very cheesy but it took me 2 years so I was very dedicated!) between the ages of 15 and 17. Whilst I should have been stuyding for my GCSE's, I spent every lunchtime in Year 11 secretly writing my book in the library (I was a loner so that was quite convenient!). Unfortunately in those days it was all floppy disks and I lost a lot of my book but still have a lot printed out-maybe I will share it sometime ;) but for now, I am concentrating on this story. It's for kids and it's all about time travel. A huge huge fantasy of mine, so why not re-live it through writing? I work with 9-10 year olds for most of my working week so I have had excellent research into what kids like to read. I do not what to share too much with anyone as it's in the early stages but I thought I would share a little synopsis with you all-there isn't much of a title yet and the grammar/spelling is yet to be corrected but you'll get the general idea. Here goes...

"I never intended to travel through time. I guess it was just something I stumbled upon by chance."

Emily was never meant to discover what she did on that icy day in November. What she found was something far beyond anyone's belief or wildest imaginations. A time travelling lift, a door that could open up her world into the past and the future. A place where she could re-live her most fondest memories and even create new ones. However, time travel was never meant to be mis-used by silly 12 year old girls, which Emily realises when she finds herself in a land called "The Lost Tomorrow". Now, delcared "Missing" by her family and with no clear way back to her own time zone, Emily has to find a way to put her life back together, her real one, with the help of the "The Lost Ones". How can this be done when she is trapped in a place with no hours, no days and no real meaning?

Let me know what you think, I hope it intrigues someone! xoxo


Iris said...

Wow sounds really great! Feel free to send me bits and pieces along the way- I used to be the editor of my school paper so I love that sort of thing!

Cheryl said...

Aww thanks hun, glad you like. I can send some of it as I go along if you want, would love your opinion :)

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