Friday 1 June 2012

Cheryl...thinks about the future!

Posted by Cheryl at 18:55
So at the age of 25, I guess it is pretty normal to be at the stage where I feel broody. I have always been the mothering type-even when I was aged 9, I would spend my lunch and break times at school helping to look after the younger children. Now, as I work with children on a daily basis and in particular adorable 3 year olds, my broodiness has reached an all time high. I don't feel like there is any specific 'right time' to have children, it is different for everybody and whilst someone could be ready at 19, another woman may rather wait until she is in her 40's. I know for me, I have spent many years wondering whether I would be a good mother. I have worried about my anxiety-would it effect my child? Would I pass on my depression to them? Could I handle pregnancy? These are questions that can't really be answered until it actually happens. I have been concerned in the past that I was too immature and not yet quite strong enough in myself to be a mother. However, recently, as I have grown more independent in myself and grown a little more control of my anxiety and depression, I have thought that perhaps that soon I may be ready. I honestly don't know whether my anxiety would increase or decrease if I had a child.

A few years ago, my broodiness was a 'omg babies are so cute and I would love one!" type but now, I have been feeling that pure motherly instinct, one in which I feel that I would love to be able to have someone new in my life that is part of me, someone that I can make happy, help grow and someone to love unconditionally. As I have said, there is no right 'age' and I cannot pinpoint when I will have or be ready to have a baby. I know that for now, I have a fantastic base in terms of my own relationship with my boyfriend in which we are loving and committed enough to be great parents. Also, it is something we are both equally as enthusiastic about. But when will be the right time? Do I want to have a real career first? I am hardly past my 'peak', I am barely beginning but then again, my personal choice is that I do not want to be 30 years old and not have children.

In recent years, according to research, the average age for a woman to have her first baby has climbed to 29. Perhaps this is because of the rise of more career-focused women in today's society. The average age has creeped higher and higher, back in the year 2000 the average age was just 26.5. Recently I have began to start saving in a special account so that I can, at some point, be finacially stable enough to support a child. This is the 'sensible' thing to do I guess but ultimately, it is not just about money but also about being emotionally ready. All I know is that I would love to be a mother. It must be the best feeling in the whole to be able to hold a baby in your arms and know that they are part of you and you feel that rush of unconditional love. I hope I will feel that at some point in the future, when that day comes I will be unbelievably happy but until then I shall continue to become stronger in myself so that I can be the best person I can be :) xoxo


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