Thursday 28 June 2012

What is precious to me....

Posted by Cheryl at 19:01
I have many people in my life who I am consider precious but also I do have objects which mean a lot to me and I thought I would share some of these with you....

My Wizard of Oz Globe
I have many globes and this one is very precious as it was a special gift from Michael, brought all the way from America and was very expensive! I love Wizard of Oz and it even plays 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' and lights up. This is something I will always treasure and I would like to pass it through generations :)

'Tilly's House' by Faith Jaques
This is one of my most treasured posessions, it doesn't look much but this book has been with me since I was little. It was probably brought in a charity shop, it was my favourite story to read when I was young and I still read it from time to time to feel nostalgic-it reminds me of happy times and is a wonderful tale of a wooden doll who escapes her life as a maid in a dolls house to find a home of her own. I look forward to reading this to my children one day-it is a very rare and beautiful book.
My GIANT tatty teddy bear
My mum bought this for me as a present a few years ago and I cannot begin to describe how HUGE it is-it takes up a lot of our room but it's a wonderful thing to own, it is even big enough to be a chair! I have never seen a Tatty Teddy bear of this size and yes I may be too old to have teddies but this is so unique!

My Nan's jewellery box
This box is very special to me as it contains lots of my Nan's beautiful jewellery and the box itself is quite old and delicate-I never wear anything from the box, I am often worried about losing something so it has sat on my window sill for over 10 years now. 

My photo frames

I have tons and tons of photo frames in my bedroom and they are all precious to me as of course photos capture such special moments and these are my favourite-I love the photo of me and my mum, I had such a happy childhood and this was one where she let me wear her work uniform. Also the one of me and Michael is one of our first pictures together over 5 years ago and is one of my favourites because it was on our first holiday and I really fell in love!

I have had a really long and hard day today-going to farm was lovely but it was boiling, I am exhausted and sunburnt and trying to keep 3 year olds from running off into fields is tough! I felt really down when I got home but not long after Michael came through the door clutching these lovely flowers which is so so sweet! :)

I am so ready for the weekend, tonight I am going to get my sore feet into a nice foot spa, eat Michael's chilli and this weekend I am going to Michael's Uncle's 60th in Sussex which will be lovely. 3 weeks until holidays. xoxo


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